Enrollment Forms
You can enroll online by completing the information on the registration link. When the Center Director receives your online registration they will be able to print out the enrollment forms for you with your contact information.
If you would rather print out the forms yourself, you must have Adobe Reader installed to fill out the forms.
If you need Adobe Reader you can download it on the Adobe website.
Google Chrome users, please click Yes at the top to Open in Adobe Reader. Mac users, please open the forms using Adobe Reader instead of Preview.
Download the form below and save it to your computer. When you have completed the application please email it to [email protected]
In order to enroll your child at a Today's Child Learning Center, you must complete the enrollment package in one of two ways:
- Download and fill out the documents and send them to us electronically. (You will sign these forms when you visit our center to complete enrollment—see below.) OR
- Print out the documents, fill them out, and bring them to the desired center to complete the enrollment process.
Regardless of how you complete the forms, to finish the enrollment process (i.e., registration process), you must come in person to your chosen Today's Child center or to our corporate office (bringing your completed forms, if filled by hand). At that time a company representative will complete the Tuition Contract.
The Registration Fee for Today's Child's Program is as Follows:
$50.00 for the first child
$75.00 for a family
$75.00 for a family
Registration Fee Plus First and Last Week's tuition or Co-Pay (Security Deposit) are Due at the Time of Registration
Admission is open to all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.